
At the beach in Dauin

The town of Dauin in Negros Oriental, not far from the city of Dumaguete, has a public beach in the middle of the town. This is shared by bathers, diving boats and several marine reserves where fishing is not permitted.

The majority of tourists here are divers who visit the diving centers and resorts. The diving areas are located along the coast and in particular around the small island of Apo, which is also politically part of Dauin.

There are usually more locals than tourists in the water on the beach. The tourists sit in the shade under the trees with a cool drink and wait for the next dive to experience the wonderful underwater world in Dauin.


SIGHTS of NEGROS ORIENTAL - At the beach in Dauin
SIGHTS of NEGROS ORIENTAL – At the beach in Dauin


SIGHTS of NEGROS ORIENTAL - At the beach in Dauin
SIGHTS of NEGROS ORIENTAL – At the beach in Dauin


Der Ort Dauin hat nicht nur Interessantes für Taucher zu bieten. Im bergigen Hinterland gibt es so einige Kleinode, die es zu erkunden und zu besuchen gilt, die sehr gut als eine kleine Abwechslung zwischen den Tauchgängen dienen können.


SIGHTS of NEGROS ORIENTAL - At the beach in Dauin
SIGHTS of NEGROS ORIENTAL – At the beach in Dauin


SIGHTS of NEGROS ORIENTAL - At the beach in Dauin
SIGHTS of NEGROS ORIENTAL – At the beach in Dauin


Einige davon konnte ich in meinem Video über DAUIN festhalten und kann hier angeschaut werden:

DAUIN – The Town




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